Posted in Lessons from the Holy Bible, Listening To God, Living in Today's World, Seeking Truth?, Time for Sharing

The Great Co-Mission

I find it interesting that preachers, teachers and theologians call this ‘commandment’ from our Savior the Great Commission.  According to good ole Webster’s the word commission means: a duty or task committed to a person or group to perform.  In my title, I referred to it as the great co-mission,  which I think is even a more effective way to represent the calling given to us directly from the mouth of Lord Jesus Christ.  I say that because it can’t be done by one singular person or group.  It’s a mission to reach every person;  in every country, state, city, town or neighborhood throughout ALL the world– as co-workers for Christ!

Let me ask you a few questions if I may—

Do you need to leave your native country to be a missionary?  I think most of you will say ‘no’!

Are you required to attend a Bible College, seminary or have formal training to be a missionary?  Again–I would pray your answer would be ‘no’!


Where does a missionary go to teach the lost, lonely and needy people with the Gospel of hope and peace?  Anywhere, anytime, to anyone.   The four walls of your home is the best place to start.

If there is no formal training required, what then is needed?  A personal relationship with the Heavenly Father through the redemption provided for us on the cross by Jesus Christ AND a heartfelt desire to share the most amazing gift ever given.

Now you  may be saying “I don’t know how.”  My response to you is “Ask God who freely gives us what is needed”.

Pray for the lost, lonely and hurting.

Choose to be example of love… with your life reflecting the true fruit of the Spirit. 

Love others more than loving self.

There is nothing in all this world that will touch a heart more sincerely than a genuine concern for someone else above self.


Smiling at your next door neighbor whom you don’t get along with because their dog barks all night,  is showing love.  Not a sneer, but a smile from the Spirit that dwells within.

Helping someone who is struggling with putting groceries in their car at your local grocers.

Sending a card (snail mail–the real stuff!) to someone you know, or maybe just an acquaintance; to say hello, get well or congrats on an achievement.

The possibilities are endless.  When you give these small gifts of kindness to others, it opens a bigger door to tell people of the wondrous love of God and the message of hope, peace and everlasting life through Jesus Christ.

Contrary to living and loving as a forgiven follower of Christ and practicing selflessness;  we live in a world that continually practices “meism” —  which is nothing more than ‘everything is about me, what can I get out of it, how will it help me, why should I be the one to help someone and endless selfishness  .  

Scripture that teaches us ” I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” (Acts 20:35 )

When was the last time you shared the gift of God, the blessed Gospel of Jesus Christ with another person?  Have you ever?  Take thought here that Jesus didn’t just tell the apostles to “go out into the world…” He told all those who followed Him.  If you are a follower of His–

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”  Philippians 4:8

Go out there and tell the world around you that:


There is joy, hope and peace in knowing the Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Everyday is a new day to share the the glorious Gospel message of grace and forgiveness; the blessings of hope; the Father God's eternal promises; and the importance of living daily in the will of God according to the Scriptures, especially now with the world in chaos and uncertainty. My life before I repented of all my sin, was washed clean by the blood of the Lamb of God-- Jesus Christ and was born again; was one of utter selfishness in every aspects of my life. I lived for ME and only me! Now I live for my Lord and soon coming King, rejoicing daily. I earnestly desire to share the message of the Gospel, encourage sisters/brothers in Christ by fervent prayer and studying the Holy Scriptures more each day. Maranatha Read more on my "About Me" page at my site.

4 thoughts on “The Great Co-Mission

  1. EVERY Christian IS a witness. Every attitude, action and word of every Christian is either a stepping stone towards faith in Christ or a stumbling block to those who witness us. We are to be lights in a dark world.

    I don’t get out much anymore, but on my weekly trip to the shopping centre, I pray that I will meet someone who needs to know about the love of God. Invariably, I see a lonely or sad lady sitting on a bench. She welcomes a smile and a few words of encouragement, and is more than happy to accept a Gideon New testament with helps (when worried, sad etc) in the front.

    We ALL encounter others and we ALL have a responsibility to them. We are ambassadors for Christ and we should present a true picture of the One whom we represent.


    1. Thank you—written as lead by the Lord! I know and believe that all of the Body of Christ needs to be heeding!
      Have a nice weekend and be blessed brother


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